The “Five Scrolls” (Hamesh Megillot) are in “Writings” (Ketuvim), which is the third major section of the Bible (Tanakh). Lamentations (Eicha) is the third scroll of the five biblical scrolls. Although Lamentations only has five chapters, there was not enough room to fit the text on one canvas. Thus, to create two panels of approximately the same length as prior scroll panels, Ilana included additional texts on the bottom of the second panel, which are consistent with the topic of lamenting the destruction of Jerusalem.
Ilana has always had a deep appreciation for the Bible as literature. To this end, she aspired to needlepoint all of the five biblical scrolls. By the time she created Lamentations, Ilana felt compelled to rush to achieve her goal.
Click on a panel below to enlarge, as well as for full details on each piece.